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Version: 2025-02-27

CSV Formatting

Why CSV:

  • Easier to manage.
  • Easily importable and exportable from common spreadsheet software.
  • Better human-readability.

VKGs and/or nodes that don't have metadata should simply have their respective columns. Though the following tables have the metadata fields (metadata1 and metadata2) all capitalized, CSV headers should be case sensitive. Due to this, the headers should be text,metadata1,metadata2.

VKGs whose metadata schema is empty will simply ignore the node's metadata.

Example .csv Dataset with metadata

New Node Structure

Lorem ipsum dolorword1.0

Existing Node Structure

In existing node structure, the Node ID is the first column of the CSV. It is randomly generated and must be used when editing nodes to associate it to the proper node.

Node IDtextmetadata1metadata2
830ace6c-0824-4ea7-a88a-1ab734a7b42dLorem ipsum dolorword1.0